Dr. Shumon T. Hussain
a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities
2. Stock B05
Aachener Str. 217
50931 Köln
Email: s.t.hussainuni-koeln.de
ORCID: 0000-0002-6215-393X
Nach Vereinbarung
- Jäger-Fischer-Sammler im Spätpleistozän und Frühholozän
- Multispecies Archaeology, Palaeoenvironmental Humanities
- Archäologie der Natur
- Lithische Technologie
- Theoretische Archäologie
3/2019: PhD in Archaeology, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University
12/2013: Master of Arts (M.A.) in Archäologie, Philosophische Fakultät, Universität zu Köln
7/2011: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters/Philosophie, Philosophische Fakultät, Universität Tübingen
Seit 11/2023: Research Associate, Center for Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities (MESH)/Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität zu Köln
10/2019-10/2023: Assistant Professor (W1, non-TT), Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Aarhus University
3-9/2019: Postdoktorand, SFB 806 ‘Our Way to Europe’, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität zu Köln
1/2018-2/2019: Visiting Scholar, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, SUSTech, Shenzhen, Volksrepublik China
1/2015-12/2018: Doktorand, Human Origins Group, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University
1-12/2014: Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, Forschungsstelle Altsteinzeit (FAST), Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität zu Köln
7/2012-12-2013: Studentische Hilfskraft, SFB 806 ‘Our Way to Europe’ C1, Universität zu Köln NESPOS-Projekt, Neanderthal Museum Mettmann
Hussain, S.T. (2019). The French-Anglophone divide in lithic studies: A plea for pluralism in Palaeolithic archaeology. Open Access Doctoral Dissertation: https://hdl.handle.net/1887/69812
Hussain, S.T. (2014). Homo empathicus – Versuch einer Evolutionären Anthropologie der Empathie. Implikationen für die anthropologische Bestimmung des modernen Menschen und das Verschwinden letzter Neandertaler. Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie 239. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt.
Plutniak, S., S.T. Hussain, and F. Riede (forthcoming). Between variability and singularity: crossing theoretical, qualitative and computer-based approaches to types and typologies in archaeology. Leiden: Sidestone (open and fully transparent preprint-based peer-review hosted by PCI Archaeology: https://archaeo.peercommunityin.org/).
Riede, F., and S.T. Hussain (2022). ‘Cultural taxonomies in the Palaeolithic - old questions, novel perspectives.’ Special Issue of the Journal of Palaeolithic Archaeology, Springer. https://link.springer.com/collections/jcaehbgbhi
Hussain, S.T., and M. Soressi (2021). ‘Old Stones, New Eyes? A Call for Novel Theories, Models and Approaches for the Study of Paleolithic Stone Artifact Technology.’ Special Issue of the Journal of Palaeolithic Archaeology, Springer. https://link.springer.com/collections/gbbcececef
Kost, C., and S.T. Hussain (2019). ‘Archaeo-Ornithology: Emerging Perspectives on Past Human-Bird Relations.’ Special Issue of Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Palaeoecology 24 (4), Taylor & Francis. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/yenv20/24/4
Artikel und Buchbeiträge
Hussain, S.T., and N. Brusgaard (2023). ‘Human-Beaver Cohabitation in the Early and Mid-Holocene of Northern Europe: Re-visiting Mesolithic Ecology and Material Culture through a Multispecies Lens.’ The Holocene: https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683623120044
Hussain, S.T., S.F. Hellerøe, H.N. Dalager, E.S. Nielsen, M. Vinter, and F. Riede (2023). ‘Was the Late Glacial human occupation of northernmost Europe facilitated by whales? New data and perspectives on lithic technology and the palaeoecology of the Vendsyssel area, Northern Jutland, Denmark.’ The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology: https://doi.org/10.1080/15564894.2023.2277727
Baumann, C., S.T. Hussain, M. Roblíčková, F. Riede, M.A. Mannino, H. Bocherens (2023). ‘Evidence for hunter-gatherer impacts on raven diet and ecology in the Gravettian of Southern Moravia.’ Nature Ecology & Evolution: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-023-02107-8 (shared first author)
Hussain, S.T., and F. Sauer (2023). ‘Asia, Southwest: Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic.’ Encyclopedia of Archaeology 2nd Edition, Elsevier: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90799-6.00127
Yaworsky, P.M., S.T. Hussain, and F. Riede (2023). ‘Climate-driven habitat shifts of high-ranked prey species structure Late Upper Paleolithic hunting.’ Scientific Reports 13: 4238. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-31085-x
Hussain, S.T. (2023). ‘Raptors as companions: deep time forays in multispecies archaeology.’ In: R. Wallis (ed.), The Art and Archaeology of Human Engagements with Birds of Prey: Relating to Raptors, pp. 11-37. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Hussain, S.T. (2023). ‘Deep Animal Prehistory: Gathering Feral Voices from Vanished Pleistocene Worlds.’ In: K. Kitagawa, M. Diaz-Zorita, and V. Tumolo (eds.), Beyond Subsistence: Human-Animal Interactions, pp. 19-68. Tübingen: CRC 1070 Monographs.
Hellerøe, S.F., H.N. Dalager, S.T. Hussain, and F. Riede (2023). ‘Nye fund fra ’en ø ved verdens ende’ og rollen af kystens ressourcer i Allerødtiden.’ VHMnyt, Yearbook of the Historical Museum of Vendsyssel 2022: 55-70.
Hussain, S.T., M. Weiss, and T. Kellberg Nielsen (2022). ‘Being-with Other Predators: Cultural negotiations of Neanderthal-carnivore relationships in Late Pleistocene Europe.’ Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 66: 101409. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaa.2022.101409
Hussain, S.T. and M. Soressi (2021). ‘The Technological Condition of Human Evolution: Lithic Studies as a Basic Science.’ Journal of Palaeolithic Archaeology 4: 25. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41982-021-00098-1
Hussain, S.T. (2021). ‘Compelling image-worlds: a pictorial perspective on the epistemology of stone artefact analysis in Palaeolithic archaeology.’ In: O. Moro-Abadía, S. de Beaune (eds.), New Advances in the History of Archaeology, pp. 138-170. Proceedings of the Sessions Organized by the History of Archaeology Scientific Commission at the XVIII World UISPP held in Paris, June 2018.
Parow-Souchon, H., S.T. Hussain, and J. Richter (2021). ‘Early Ahmarian lithic economy and mobility at Ansab 1, Wadi Sabra, southern Jordan.’ Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society (Mitekufat Heaven) 51: 6-64.
Matzig, D.N., S.T. Hussain, and F. Riede (2021). ‘Design Space Constraints and the Cultural Taxonomy of European Final Palaeolithic Large Tanged Points: A Comparison of Typological, Landmark-Based and Whole-Outline Geometric Morphometric Approaches.’ Journal of Palaeolithic Archaeology 4: 27. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41982-021-00097-2
Hussain, S.T. (2021). ‘The Hooting Past. Re-Evaluating the Role of Owls in Shaping Human-Place Relations Throughout the Pleistocene.’ Anthropozoologica 56 (3): 39-56. https://doi.org/10.5252/anthropozoologica2021v56a3
Hussain, S.T., and M. Will (2021). ‘Materiality, Agency and Evolution of Lithic Technology: An Integrated Perspective for Palaeolithic Archaeology.’ Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 28: 617-670. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10816-020-09483-6
Richter, J., Th. Litt, F. Lehmkuhl, A. Hense, Th.C. Hauck, D.F. Leder, A. Miebach, H. Parow-Souchon, F. Sauer, J. Schoenenberg and S.T. Hussain (2020). ‘Al-Ansab and the Dead Sea: mid-MIS 3 archaeology and environment of the Early Ahmarian in the Levantine Corridor.’ PLoS ONE 15(10): e0239968. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0239968
Hussain, S.T., and F. Riede (2020). ‘Palaeoenvironmental humanities: challenges and prospects of writing deep environmental histories.’ WIREs Climate Change 11 (5): e667. https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.667
Kost, C., and S.T. Hussain (2019). ‘Archaeo-Ornithology: Towards an Archaeology of Human-Bird Interfaces.’ Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Paleoecology 24 (4): 337-358. https://doi.org/10.1080/14614103.2019.1590984
Hussain, S.T. (2019). ‘Gazing at owls? Human-strigiform interfaces and their role in the construction of Gravettian lifeworlds in East-Central Europe.’ Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Human Paleoecology 24 (4): 359-376. https://doi.org/10.1080/14614103.2018.1434854
Hussain, S.T. (2018). ‘Kreativität, Technizität und Autopoiesis – Zur Bedeutung des Homo faber für das Verständnis der frühesten Menschheitsgeschichte.’ In: U. van Loyen, J.F.M. Schick, M. Schmidt, M. Zillinger (eds.), Homo faber. Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaft (ZfK) 12 (2): 49-66.
Hussain, S.T. (2018). ‘MAMMOTHSTEPPE-LIFE. Mammoths, owls and other creatures: sketching the trail towards a comparative investigation of human-animal situations in the European Upper Paleolithic.’ In: T. Breyer, and Th. Widlok (eds.), The Situationality of Human-Animal Relations. Perspectives from Anthropology and Philosophy, pp. 83-111. Bielefeld/London: transcript.
Hussain, S.T., and F. Levenson (2018). ‘Defining the Archaeological Setting: The Dosariyah Survey.’ In: P. Drechsler (ed.), Dosariyah. Reinvestigating a Neolithic Coastal Community in Eastern Arabia, pp. 65-133. British Foundation for the Study of Arabia Monograph Series 19. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Hussain, S.T., and T. Breyer (2017). ‘Menschwerdung, Verkörperung und Empathie. Perspektiven im Schnittfeld von Anthropologie und Paläolitharchäologie.’ In: G. Etzelmüller, Th. Fuchs, and C. Tewes (eds.), Verkörperung. Eine neue interdisziplinäre Anthropologie, pp. 211-249. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Neugebauer-Maresch, C., Th. Einwögerer, J. Richter, A. Maier, and S.T. Hussain (2016). ‘Kammern-Grubgraben. Neue Erkenntnisse zu den Grabungen 1985-1994.’ Archaeologica Austriaca 100: 225-250.
Hussain, S.T., and H. Floss (2016). ‘Streams as Entanglement of Nature and Culture: European Upper Palaeolithic River Systems and Their Role as Features of Spatial Organization.’ Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 23 (4): 1162-1218. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10816-015-9263-x
Hussain, S.T., and H. Floss (2015). ‘Sharing the world with mammoths, cave lions and other beings: linking animal-human interactions and the Aurignacian ‘belief world’.‘ Quartär 62: 85-120. https://doi.org/10.7485/QU62_4
Hussain, S.T. (2015). “Mensch, Fluss und Raum: Überlegungen zur ökokulturellen Rolle großer Flusssysteme im europäischen Jungpaläolithikum.“ Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 45 (4): 439-458.
Hussain, S.T. (2015). ‘Betwixt Seriality and Sortiment: Rethinking Early Ahmarian Blade Technology in Al-Ansab 1.’ In: D. Schyle, and J. Richter (eds.), Pleistocene Archaeology of the Petra Area in Jordan, pp. 131-147. Rahden/Westf.: Marie Leidorf.
Hussain, S.T. (2015). ‘The Techno-Logical Nexus of Core Variability and Bladelet Standardisation: Rethinking Late Ahmarian/Masraqan Technology in Taibeh 3.’ In: D. Schyle, and J. Richter (eds.), Pleistocene Archaeology of the Petra Area in Jordan, pp. 345-359. Rahden/Westf.: Marie Leidorf.
Hussain, S.T. (2015). ‘Technological Conduits along the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic Transition in the Southern Levant: Some Conceptual Considerations.’ In: D. Schyle, and J. Richter (eds.), Pleistocene Archaeology of the Petra Area in Jordan, pp. 395-405. Rahden/Westf.: Marie Leidorf.
Hussain, S.T., and J. Richter (2015). ‘The Late Ahmarian/Masraqan Site of Taibeh 3.’ In: D. Schyle, and J. Richter (eds.), Pleistocene Archaeology of the Petra Area Jordan, pp. 305-343. Rahden/Westf.: Marie Leidorf.
Hussain, S.T., J. Richter, D. Schyle, K. Kindermann, Th. Wolter, and Th. Hauck (2015). ‘The Veiled Mousterian: Traces of Middle Palaeolithic Presence in the Wadi Sabra.’ In: D. Schyle, and J. Richter (eds.), Pleistocene Archaeology of the Petra Area in Jordan, pp. 55-85. Rahden/Westf.: Marie Leidorf.
Hussain, S.T., and H. Floss (2015). ‘Regional ontologies in the Early Upper Palaeolithic: the place of mammoth and cave lion in the ‘belief world’ (Glaubenswelt) of the Swabian Aurignacian.’ In: P. Bueno-Ramírez, and P. Bahn (eds.), Prehistoric art as prehistoric culture. Studies in Honour of Professor Rodrigo de Balbín-Behrmann, pp. 45-58. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Breyer, T., and S.T. Hussain (2014). ‘Empathie.‘ In: G. Jüttemann (ed.), Entwicklungen der Menschheit. Humanwissenschaft in der Perspektive der Integration, pp. 257-264. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
Hussain, S.T., and H. Floss (2014). ‘The role of river courses in organizing the cultural space of the Upper Paleolithic: examples from the Rhine, Rhône, Danube and Garonne.’ In: M. Otte, and F. Le Brun-Ricalens (eds.), Modes de contacts et de déplacements au Paléolithique eurasiatique, pp. 307-320. Liège: ERAUL 140/ ArchéoLogique 5.
Hussain, S.T. (2022). Sonja B. Grimm, Resilience and Reorganization of Social Systems during the Weichselian Lateglacial in North-West Europe: An Evaluation of the Archaeological, Climatic and Environmental Record, Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Band 128, Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz, 2019, ISBN 978-3-88467-255-6, 646 Seiten, 96 Abbildungen, 86 Tabellen, 14 Tafeln. Germania 99: 217-221.
Hussain, S.T. (2020). Martin Porr & Jacqueline Matthews, eds. – Interrogating Human Origins. Decolonisation and the Deep Human Past, Abingdon: Routledge, 2019, 352 pp., 15 figs, 3 tables, hbk, ISBN 9781138300415. Journal of European Archaeology 23 (3): 483-488.
Hussain, S.T., D. Matzig, F. Riede (2020). Review of: Gillings, M., Hacıgüzeller, P. & Lock, G. (eds), Re-Mapping Archaeology. Critical Perspectives, Alternative Mappings. Routledge 2019. Archäologische Informationen 43: 541-546. https://doi.org/10.11588/ai.2020.1.82210
Hussain, S.T. (2019). Jürgen Richter – Altsteinzeit: Der Weg des frühen Menschen von Afrika bis in die Mitte Europas, Kohlhammer 2018. Quartär 65: 285-290.
Reports & Project Gallery
Hussain, S.T., et al. (2021). ‘Towards a collaborative meta-analysis of the Final Palaeolithic/ earliest Mesolithic in Europe. Report on the 2nd CLIOARCH Workshop, 26th-27th November, 2020.’ Archäologische Informationen 43: 415-420. https://www.dguf.de/fileadmin/AI/archinf-ev_hussain-etal2.pdf
Riede, F., S.T. Hussain, C. Timmreck, J.-C. Svenning (2020). ’CLIOdynamic ARCHaeology: Computational approaches to Final Palaeolithic/earliest Mesolithic archaeology and climate change.’ Antiquity Project Gallery 94 (375): e13. https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2020.85
Riede, F., A.G.M. Araujo, M.C. Barton, K.A. Bergsvik, H.S. Groucutt, S.T. Hussain, J. Fernandez-Lopez de Pablo, A. Maier, B. Marwick, L. Pyne, K. Ranhorn, N. Reynolds, J. Riel-Salvatore, F. Sauer, K. Serwatka, and A. Zander (2020). ‘Cultural taxonomies in the Paleolithic—Old questions, novel perspectives.’ Evolutionary Anthropology 29 (2): 49-52. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/evan.21819?af=R
Hussain, S.T., and F. Riede (2019). ‘Zur gegenwärtigen taxonomischen Krise in der Archäologie der frühesten Menschheitsgeschichte – Bericht zum 1. CLIOARCH Workshop auf Schloss Sandbjerg, Dänemark, 27.-29. November 2019/ On the current taxonomic crisis in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology – Report on the 1st CLIOARCH Workshop at Sandbjerg Manor, Denmark, November 27-29, 2019.’ Archäologische Informationen 42: 315-318. https://doi.org/10.11588/ai.2019.0.69427
White Papers
Shepherd, N., C. William, M. Chundu, J.B. Cohen, C. Ernsten, O. Guevara, F. Haas, S.T. Hussain, F. Riede, A.R. Siders, C. Singh, P. Sithole, and A. Troi (2022). The Role of Cultural and Natural Heritage for Climate Action. UNESCO, ICOMOS & IPCC ‘Solutions’ White Paper on The Role of Cultural and Natural Heritage for Climate Action: https://openarchive.icomos.org/id/eprint/2719/
Downloads & Daten
Hussain, S.T., F. Riede, D.N. Matzig, M. Biard, P. Crombé, F. Fontana, D. Groß, T. Hess, M. Langlais, J. Fernández-Lopéz de Pablo, L. Mevel, W. Mills, M. Moník, N. Naudinot, C. Posch, T. Rimkus, D. Stefański, and H.Vandendriessche (accepted). ‘A pan-European dataset revealing variability in lithic technology, toolkits, and artefact shapes ~15-11 kya.’ Scientific Data: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02500-9
Wissenschaftliche Mitgliedschaften
- Hugo-Obermaier Gesellschaft für Erforschung des Eiszeitalters und der Steinzeit e.V. (https://obermaier-gesellschaft.de/)
- European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE: https://www.eshe.eu/)
- European Association of Archaeologists (EAA: https://www.e-a-a.org/)