Bronzeage and Ironage
Borsod Plain Project
Ier Valley Project
Dunajec Valley Project
Toboliu Project
Archaeology of Africa
Tracking in Caves
First farmers in the Rhine-Lahn district
Blue Intensity on Oaks
Bandkeramische Siedlung von Borschemich
Dental microwear analysis
Diversification and change – Analysing settlement patterns and agricultural practice during the 5th mil. BC in Central Europe
Neolithic diet and animal husbandry
Functional Analyses of Mesolithic Ground Stone Tools
Göbekli Tepe Lithik Projekt
An interdisciplinary toolkit to study burnt prehistoric daub
Landschaftsnutzung im rheinischen Braunkohlenrevier
Neolithic of the Korça Plain
Prähistorische Jäger- & Sammler im Rheinland
Siedlungs- und Landschaftsarchäologie LBK
Success, Limits and Failure
Ost und West
Diachrone Projekte
Completed Research Projects
Bad Kösen-Lengefeld
Al-Ansab 1, Jordanien
Bandkeramische Siedlung Niederkassel-Uckendorf
Pockenbank Rock Shelter, Namibia