[This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Eifelpaläolithikum
Late Palaeolithic Settlement Patterns in the Northern Eifel Range
PI: Dr. Florian Sauer
The Eifel region, boasting a rich Paleolithic past, features sites dating from the Middle to Upper Paleolithic, the Late Paleolithic, and the subsequent Mesolithic periods. Well-known Late Paleolithic sites include, for instance, the Katzensteine near Katzvey and the Kartstein near Eiserfey. However, in the North Rhine-Westphalian part of the Eifel, only a few scattered find spots from this era are known. Specifically, in the Mechernich fore-Eifel and the Kalkeifel, only five documented Late Paleolithic sites exist.
Comparisons with geomorphologically similar regions, such as the northern Bavarian low mountain range landscape, suggest that additional, as yet undiscovered settlement sites exist in the Eifel. The identification of these missing sites, therefore, represents a significant research desideratum.
The "Eifel Paleolithic" project aims to systematically search for additional sites. As part of this project, an initial GIS-based archaeo-prediction will be created, utilizing the characteristic features of known sites to identify potential additional settlement areas. Subsequently, targeted field surveys and probings will be conducted based on this prediction. The results of these investigations will be documented in a geodatabase, which will serve as a comprehensive reference for future research.
In an initial phase, a limited study area, the so-called Mechernich Triassic Basin, will be examined. This region was selected due to already known Late Paleolithic sites that demonstrate its use by hunter-gatherers at the end of the last Ice Age. The insights and experiences gained here will then be transferred to a larger study area.