Prof. Dr. Gerd-Christian Weniger
Curriculum Vitae
- Date and place of birth: April 27, 1953 in Ledde/Westfalen, Germany.
Education and Degrees
- 1972–1976 University of Münster, Biology, Ethnology and Prehistory
- 1977–1981 University of Tübingen, PhD in Prehistory
- 1990 Habilitation University of Cologne, venia legendi: Prehistory
- 1997 Associated Professor of Prehistory, University of Cologne
Academic Appointments
- 1981–1982 Field director of archaeological excavations in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria (Hohle Stein Schambach, Geißenklösterle)
- 1982–1983 Fellow of Römisch-Germanische Kommission
- 1983–1985 Post-doctoral fellow of DFG and Canadian Government (Tübingen, Ottawa and Washington D.C.)
- 1986–1991 Curator of Prehistory at Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (Madrid)
- 1991–1993 Heisenberg Fellow of DFG (Tübingen)
- 1993–1996 Head of the scientific planning group Neanderthal Museum (Mettmann)
- 1996–2018 Director of the new Neanderthal Museum
Scientific Service
Since 1997 Scientific board, Revista Atlántica-Mediterranea de Prehistoria y Arqueología Social, Cadiz
Since 1999 Corresponding member, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin
2002–2019 Scientific board, Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft für Erforschung des Eiszeitalters und der Steinzeit
2005–2019 Secretary general, NESPOS Society e.V.
Since 2006 Scientific board, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte, Blaubeuren
2006–2016 Editor, Quartär-International Yearbook for Ice Age and Stone Age Research
2006–2012 Scientific board, Madrider Mitteilungen, Madrid
2009–2019 Member of the Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures (KAAK), Bonn
Since 2009 Ordinary Member (OM) of the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin.
2009–2021 Speaker Cluster C, Western Mediterranean, CRC 806 "Our Way to Europe"
2009–2018 Chairman Neanderthaler-Gesellschaft e.V.
2010–2016 Scientific board, Museo de la Evolución Humana, Burgos
2012–2018 Coordinator, Ice Age Europe, network of pleistocene people and places
2014–2018 Scientific board, Paläon, Helmstedt
2019–2021 Senior Researcher Stiftung Neanderthal Museum
Since 2019 Museum Consultant and Guest Curator
PhD Students
- Jens Alvermann
- Viviane Bolin
- Taylor Otto
- Miriam Rotgänger
- Priscilla Bayle
- Marcel Bradtmöller
- Flora Gröning
- Maria de Andrés-Herrero
- Ines Medved
- Andrea Picin (Fuhlrott-Fellow)
- Alessandro Potí
- Isabell Schmidt
- Astrid Slizewski
- Yvonne Tafelmaier
Career Opportunities for Students
You are looking for an attractive topic? Give me a call or send me an e-mail.
Topics for graduation/thesis
- Palaeolithic rock art
- Palaeolithic settlement of North Africa
- Site catchment analysis/GIS based environmental archaeology
- Palaeolithic settlement of Iberia
- 3D-analysis in palaeolithic archaeology
- Cave archaeology
- Museum studies