Dr. Amal Al Kassem
Bernhard-Feilchenfeld Str. 11
Floor 4 - Room 4.07
50969 Cologne
Email: aalkass3uni-koeln.de
Twitter: @amal_kasm
Amal Al Kassem is a researcher at the Institute of Prehistoric and Early History at the University of Cologne. As a flintknapper, she specializes in the lithic industries of the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula. Her research focuses on reconstructing the behavior, mobility, and land use of hunter-gatherer groups through the study of stone tool technologies. Currently, her interests include the preservation and documentation of Syrian heritage and archaeological sites, utilizing both fieldwork and remote sensing imagery. She is actively surveying southern Syria, with a particular focus on identifying and coordinating sites from the Palaeolithic, Epipalaeolithic, and Neolithic periods.
Consultation hours
Digital and personal consultation hours by appointment. Please send appointment request by email.
Current Projects
- Documentation and assessment of the impact of the Syrian conflict on archaeological sites, as well as the survey of prehistoric sites in southern Syria.
Research Focus
- Techno-typological analysis of lithics of Palaeolithic, Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic
- Landscape archaeology
- Satellite imagery analysis
- Documentation and assessment of damaged archaeological sites
- Public relations