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Artikel (* peer-reviewed)

2019*   Pereira Verdugo, M., Mullin, V.E., Scheu, A., Mattiangeli, V., Daly, K.G., Maisano Delser, P., Hare, A.J., Burger, J., Collins, M.J., Kehati, R., Hesse, P., Fulton, D., Sauer, E.W., Mohaseb, F.A., Davoudi, H., Khazaeli, R., Lhuillier, J., Rapin, C., Ebrahimi, S., Khasanov, M., Farhad Vahidi, S.M., MacHugh, D.E., Ertuğrul, O., Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, C., Sampson, A., Kazantzis, G., Kontopoulos, I., Bulatovic, J., Stojanović, I., Mikdad, A., Benecke, N., Linstädter, J., Sablin, M., Bendrey, R., Gourichon, L., Arbuckle, B.S., Mashkour, M., Orton, D., Kolska Horwitz, L., Teasdale, M.D., Bradley, D.G. (2019) Ancient cattle genomics, origins, and rapid turnover in the Fertile Crescent. Science 365 (6449):173-176.

2019*   Bader, G.D., Linstädter, J., Schoeman, A. (2020) Uncovering the late Pleistocene LSA of Mpumalanga province, South Africa. Early results from Iron Pig Rock Shelter. Journal of African Archaeology 18.

2019*   Dunne, J, Manning, K, Linstädter, J., Mikdad, A, Breeze, P, Hutterer, R, Lehnig, S, Morales, J, Gillard, T, Drake, N, Evershed, R.P (2019) Pots, plants and animals: broad-spectrum subsistence strategies in the Early Neolithic of the Moroccan Rif region, Quaternary International.

2019*   Potì, A., Gibaja Bao, J.F., Linstädter, J., Mikdad, A., Nami, M., Weniger, G.-Chr. (2019) Iberomaurusian Lithic Assemblages at Ifri El Baroud (North-east Morocco). African Archaeological Review 36,4.

2019*   Potì, A., Kehl, M., Broich, M., Carrión Marco, Y., Hutterer, R., Jentke, T., Linstädter, J., López-Sáez, J., Mikdad, A., Morales, J., Pérez-Díaz, S., Portillo, M., Schmid, C., Vidal-Matutano, P., & Weniger, G.-C. (2019) Human occupation and environmental change in the western Maghreb during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the Last Glacial. New evidence from the Iberomaurusian site Ifri El Baroud (northeast Morocco). Quaternary Science Reviews 220, 87-110.

2018*  Carrión Marco, Y., Vidal-Matutano, P., Morales, J., Henríquez Valido, P., Potì, A., Kehl, M., Linstädter, J., Weniger, G.-Chr. Mikdad, A. (2018) Late Glacial Landscape Dynamics Based on Macrobotanical Data: Evidence From Ifri El Baroud (NE Morocco). Environmental Archaeology.

2018*   Linstädter, J., Broich, M. & Weninger, B. (2018) Defining the Early Neolithic of the Eastern Rif, Morocco – Spatial distribution, chronological framework and impact of environmental changes. Quaternary International, Vol. 472 (B): 272-282.

2018*   Yanes, Y., Hutterer, R., Linstädter, J. (2018) On the transition from hunting-gathering to food production in NE Morocco as inferred from archeological Phorcus turbinatus shells. The Holocene 28 (8): 1301–1312.

2018*   Stempfle, S., Linstädter, J., Nickel, K.G., Mikdad, A., Schmidt, P. (2018) Early Neolithic pottery of Ifri n'Etsedda, NE-Morocco – Raw materials and fabrication techniques. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 19: 200-212.

2016   Linstädter, J. (2016) Climate induced mobility and the missing Middle Neolithic of Morocco. In: Reindel, M. et al. (eds.) papers of the workshop "Palaeoenvironment and the Development of Early Societies“. Sanliurfa 7th October 2012: 63-80.

2016*   Kehl, M., Burow, C., Cantalejo, P., Domínguez-Bella, S., Durán, J. J.,  Henselowsky, F., Klasen, N., Linstädter, J., Medianero, F. J., Pastoors, A., Ramos, J., Reicherter, K., Schmidt, C., Weniger, G.-C. (2013) Site formation and chronology of the new Palaeolithic site Sima de Las Palomas de Teba, Southern Spain. Quaternary Research 85 ( 2): 313-331.

2016*   Morales, J., Pérez Jordà, G., Peña-Chocarro, L., Bokbot, Y., Linstädter, J. (2016) The introduction of South-Western Asian domesticated plants in North-Western Africa: An archaeobotanical contribution from Neolithic Morocco. Quaternary International 412, 2016: 96-109.

2016*   Linstädter, J., Kehl, M., Broich, M., López-Sáez J. A. (2016) Chronostratigraphy, site formation processes and pollen record of Ifri n'Etsedda, NE Morocco. Quaternary International 410 (A): 6-29.

2015*   Linstädter, J., Wagner, G., Broich, M., Gibaja Bao, J.F. & A. del Carmen Rodriguez Rodriguez (2015) Lithic technology during the Neolithic transition in NE Morocco: Epipalaeolithic and Early Neolithic lithic industries from Epipalaeolithic and Early Neolithic layers of Ifri Oudadane. Quartär, 2015: 155-184.

2015   Nekkal, F., Linstädter, J., Aouraghe, H., Bougariane, B. (2015) Ifri Ouzabour: l’extrême extension de la culture cardiale dans le littoral méditerranéen (Rif oriental, Maroc). Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, Section Sciences de la Terre 37 : 55–76.

2014*   Lehndorff, E., Linstädter, J., Kehl, M., Weniger, G.-Chr. (2014) Fire history reconstruction from Black Carbon analysis in Holocene cave sediments at Ifri Oudadane, NE Morocco. The Holocene 25 (2): 398–402.

2014*   Hutterer, R., Linstädter J., Eiwanger, J., Mikdad, A. (2013) Human manipulation of terrestrial gastropods in Neolithic culture groups of NE Morocco, Quaternary International Vol. 320, 2014: 83-91.

2013*   Linstädter, J. & G. Wagner (2013) The Early Neolithic pottery of Ifri Oudadane, NE Morocco.  Qualitative and Quantitative evidences. Journal of African Archaeology 11 (2), 2013: 155-196.

2013*   Hanebuth, T.J.J., Kudrass, H.R., Linstädter, J., Islam, B. & A. Zander (2013) Rapid coastal subsidence in the central Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta (Bangladesh) Since the seventeenth century deduced from submerged salt-producing kiln. Geology: 987-990.

2013   Linstädter, J. (2013) Raues Land – Feine Funde. Archäologie im Norden Marokkos. Heinrich Barth Kurier 01, 2013: 3-7.

2013*   Morales, J., Pérez-Jordà, G., Peña-Chocarro, L., Zapata, L., Ruíz-Alonso, M., López-Sáez, J. A., Linstädter, J. (2013) The origins of agriculture in North-West Africa: macro-botanical remains from Epipalaeolithic and Early Neolithic levels of Ifri Oudadane (Morocco). Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (6): 2659–2669.

2013   Linstädter, J. & M. Blatt (2013) Sea, Slopes and Shelters: Archaeological Surveys along the Mediterranean Coast, west of the Melilla Peninsula (Morocco). In: Pastoors, A. & B. Aufferman (eds.) Pleistocene foragers: Their culture and environment. Festschrift in honour of Gerd-Christian Weniger for his sixtiest birthday. Wissenschaftliche Schriften des Neanderthal Museums 6, 2013: 27-32.

2013*   Zapata, L., López-Sáez, J. A.,  Ruiz-Alonso, M.,  Linstädter, J.,  Pérez Jordà, G., Morales, J., Kehl, M., Peña-Chocarro, L. (2013) Holocene environmental change in NE Morocco: Archaeological and Palaeobotanical evidences from Ifri Oudadane. The Holocene 23 (9), 1286-1296.

2012   Gibaja, J.,  Peña-Chocarro, L., Ibáñez, J. J., Zapata, L., Rodríguez, A., Linstädter, J., Pérez, G., Morales, J., Gassin, B., Carvalho, A. F., González, J. E., Clemente, I. (2012) Los dos lados del estrecho: Las primeras hoces líticas y evidencias de agricultura en el sur de la península Ibérica y el norte de Marruecos. Una perspectiva de futuro. Proceedings of the International Conference “Networks in the Neolithic. Raw materials, products and ideas circulation in the Western Mediterranean basin (VII-III a. C.)” 2011, Barcelona, Rubricatum 5: 87-94.

2012   Linstädter, J., Aschrafi M., Ibouhouten H., Zielhofer C., Bussmann J., Deckers K., Müller-Sigmund H., & R. Hutterer (2012) Flussarchäologie der Moulouya-Hochflutebene, NO-Marokko. Madrider Mitteilungen 53: 1-84.

2012   Linstädter, J. & H. Müller-Sigmund (2012) Abiotic raw material supply in the Neolithic of the Eastern Rif, Morocco. A preliminary report. Proceedings of the International Conference “Networks in the Neolithic. Raw materials, products and ideas circulation in the Western Mediterranean basin (VII-III a.C.)” 2011, Barcelona, Rubricatum 5: 467-472.

2012   Linstädter J., Fili, A., Amarir, A. & A. Mikdad (2012) Bouchih, un site almoravide sur la rive ouest de Moulouya (Rif oriental). Bulletin de l’Archéologie Marocain XXII: 343-361.

2012*   Linstädter J., Eiwanger, J., Mikdad, A. & G.-Chr. Weniger (2012) Human occupation of Northwest Africa: A review of Middle Palaeolithic to Epipalaeolithic sites in Morocco. Quaternary International 274: 158-174.

2012*   Linstädter, J., Medved, I., Solich, M. & G.-Chr. Weniger (2012) Towards a comprehensive model of the Neolithisation process in the Western Mediterranean. Reply to: Aziz Ballouche, Brahim Ouchaou & Abdelaziz El Idrissi: More on Neolithisation process within the Alboran territory… Quaternary International 274: 177-178.

2012*   Linstädter, J., Medved, I., Solich, M. & G.-Chr. Weniger (2012) Neolithisation process within the Alboran territory: Models and possible African impact. Quaternary International 274: 219-232.

2012*   Hernández, V., Jorge-Villar, S., Capel Ferrón, C., F. J. Medianero, Ramos, J., Weniger, G.-C., Domínguez-Bella, S., Linstädter, J., Cantalejo, P., Espejoi M., Durán Valsero J. J. (2012) Raman spectroscopy analysis of Palaeolithic industry from Guadalteba terrace river, Campillos (Guadalteba county, Southern of Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 43 (11): 1651–1657.

2012*   Linstädter, J. & M. Kehl (2012) The Holocene archaeological sequence and site formation processes at Ifri Oudadane, NE Morocco. Journal of Archaeological Science 39, 3306-3323.

2011  Roeloffs, A., Linstädter, J., Wiatr, T., Reicherter, K. & G.- Chr. Weniger (2011) Prospection of karstic caves using GIS and remote-sensing techniques for geoarchaeological research, NE-Morocco. Kölner Geographische Arbeiten 92: 121-130.

2011*   Hutterer, R., Eiwanger, J., Linstädter, J. und A. Mikdad (2011) Konsum von Landschnecken im Neolithikum: Neue Daten aus dem östlichen Rif (Marokko). Beiträge zur Archäozoologie und Prähistorischen Anthropologie VIII: 29-34.

2011   Linstädter, J. (2011) The Epipalaeolithic Neolithic Transition in the Eastern Rif Mountains and the Lower Moulouya valley, Morocco. In: Juan F. Gibaja Bao, J. F., Carvalho, A. F. & N. F. Bicho (eds.) The last hunter-gatherers and the first farming communities in the south of the Iberian Peninsula and north of Morocco. Proceedings of the Workshop Faro 2.-4.11.2009, Promotoria Monografica 15: 89-98.

2011*   Medianero, F.J., Ramos, J., Palmqvist, P., Weniger, G., Riquelme, J.A., Espejo, M., Cantalejo, P., Aranda, A., Pérez-Claros, J.A., Figueirido, B., Espigares, P., Ros-Montoya, S., Torregrosa, V., Linstädter, J., Cabello, L., Becerra, S., Ledesma, P., I. Medved, Castro, A., Romer M. (2011) The karst site of Las Palomas (Guadalteba County, Málaga, Spain): A preliminary study of its Middle–Late Pleistocene archaeopaleontological record. Quaternary International 243, 2011: 127-136.

2010*   Ibouhouten, H., Zielhofer, Chr., Mahjoubi, R., Kamel, S., Linstädter, J., Mikdad, A., Bussmann, J., Werner, P., Härtling, J. W. & K. Fenech (2010) Archives alluviales holocènes et occupation humaine en Basse Moulouya (Maroc nord-oriental). Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement, 1/2010: 41-56

2010   Linstädter, J. (2010) Recherches recentes sur les sites en grotte du Neolithique ancient dans l’Ouest marocain. Memoires de scéance: Organisation et fonctionnement des premieres societes paysannes – structure de production ceramique. Toulouse 11./12.5.2007: 227-235.

2009   Ibouhouten, H., Mahjoubi, R., Mikdad, A., Kamel, S., Linstädter, J., Bussmann & Chr. Zielhofer (2009) Résultats préliminaires de l’étude Géoarcheologique des dépots fluviatiles de la Basse Moulouya (Rif Orintal, Maroc). Actes RQM4, Oujda, 2008: 62-74.

2009*   Weninger, B., Clare, L., Rohling, E., Bar-Yosef, O., Böhner, U., Budja, M., Bundschuh, M., Feurdean, A., Gebe, H. G., Jöris, O., Linstädter, J., Mayewski, P., Mühlenbruch, T., Reingruber, A., Rollefson, G., Schyle, D., Thissen, L., Todorova, H. & Chr. Zielhofer (2009) The Impact of Rapid Climate Change on Prehistoric Societies during the Holocene in the Eastern Mediterranean. Documenta Praehistorica XXXVI, 2009: 7- 59.

2008   Linstädter, J. Investigações archeológicas recentes em grutas e sítos de ar livre do Holocénico Antigo e Médio do Norte de Marrocos. University of Algarve, Faro. Promontoria 6: 115-158.

2008*   Linstädter, J. (2008) The Epipalaeolithic-Neolithic-Transition in the Mediterranean region of Northwest-Africa. Quartär, vol. 55, 2008: 41-62.

2008*    Zielhofer, C., Faust, D. & J. Linstädter (2008) Late Pleistocene and Holocene alluvial archives in the Southwestern Mediterranean: Changes in fluvial dynamics and past human response. Quaternary International 181: 39-54.

2007   Linstädter, J. (2007) Rocky islands within oceans of sand – Archaeology of the Jebel Ouenat / Gilf Kebir region, Eastern Sahara. In: Bubenzer, O., Bolten, A. & F. Darius (eds.) Atlas of environmental and cultural change in arid Africa. Africa Praehistorica 21: 34-37.

2006*   Zielhofer, C. &  J. Linstädter (2006) Short-term mid-Holocene climatic deterioration in the West Mediterranean region - climatic impact on Neolithic settlement pattern. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F., Suppl.-Vol. 142: 1-17.

2005    Linstädter, J. (2005) Absolute und relative Kulturchronologie. Ein Modell zur Besiedlung des Wadi Bakht und seine Einbindung in den regionalen und überregionalen Siedlungsablauf: In: Linstädter, J. (ed.) (2005) AP 18: 355-372.

2005   Linstädter, J. (2005) Zwei Feuerstellen auf der Playa: Wadi Bakht 82/18 und 82/19. In: Linstädter, J. (ed.) (2005) AP 18: 299-304.

2005   Linstädter, J. (2005) Fundplätze auf dem Plateau: Wadi Bakht 99/51 sowie Wadi Maftuh 00/73 und 00/74. In: Linstädter, J. (ed.) (2005) AP 18: 269-298.

2005   Linstädter, J. (2005) Auf dem Kamm der nördlichen Sperrdüne: Wadi Bakht 82/21. In: Linstädter, J. (ed.) (2005) AP 18: 119-168.

2005   Linstädter, J. (2005) Erforschung und Bearbeitung der Fundplätze des Wadi Bakht und seiner Umgebung. In: Linstädter, J. (ed.) (2005) AP 18: 15-50.

2004*   Linstädter, J. & S. Kröpelin (2004) Wadi Bakht revisited: Holocene climate change and prehistoric occupation in the Gilf Kebir region of the Eastern Sahara, SW Egypt. Geoarchaeology 19 (8): 753-778.

2004*   Czerniewicz v., M., Lenssen-Erz, T. & J. Linstädter (2004) Preliminary investigation in the Djebel Uweinat region, Libyan Desert. Journal of African Archaeology 2 (1): 81-96.

2004   Linstädter, J. (2004) Zum Frühneolithikum des westlichen Mittelmeerraumes. Die Keramik der Fundstelle Hassi Ouenzga (Marokko) und ihre Stellung im mediterranen Neolithikum Nordafrikas. Archäologisches Nachrichtenblatt 9, 2004: 205-209.

2003   Linstädter, J. (2003) Le site néolithique de l’abri Hassi Ouenzga. AVA-Beiträge 23: 85-138.

2003   Linstädter, J. (2003) Middle and Late Neolithic in the Wadi Bakht (Gilf Kebir). In: Krzyzaniak, L., Kroeper, K. & M. Kobusiewicz, Cultural Markers in the later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa and recent research. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa, Puszczykowo 2000. Poznan 2003: 129-144.

2003   Linstädter, J. (2003) Neolithic land-use systems in the Gilf Kebir, South-West Egypt. In: Hawas, S. & L. Pinch Brock (eds.), Egyptology at the Dawn of the 21st. Century. Proceedings of the Eigth International Congress of Egyptologists in Cairo 2000. American University in Cairo Press, 2002: 381-389.

2002   Linstädter, J., Richter, J. & A. Linstädter (2002) Easygilf: Optimale Datenerhebung mit minimalen Aufwand. Archaeologische Informationen 25/1&2, 2002: 99-106.

2002   Gehlen, B., Kindermann, K., Linstädter, J. & H. Riemer (2002) The Holocene Occupation of the Eastern Sahara: Regional Chronologies and Supra-regional Developments in four Areas in the Absolute Desert. Tides of the Desert – Gezeiten der Wüste. Africa Praehistorica 14, 2002: 85-116.

2000   Mikdad, A., Eiwanger J., Atki, H., Ben-Ncer, A., Bokbot J., Hutterer, R., Linstädter, J. & T. Mouhsine (2000) Recherches préhistoriques et protohistoriques dans le Rif oriental (Maroc). Rapport préliminaire. AVA-Beiträge 20, 2000: 109-167.

1999   Linstädter, J. (1999) Leben auf der Düne. Der mittelneolithische Fundplatz Wadi Bakht 82/21 im Gilf Kebir, Südwest Ägypten. Archäologische Informationen 22/1, 1999: 115-124.


2008   Lenssen-Erz, T. & J. Linstädter (2008) Towards a Methodology of Landscape Archaeology. In. Bollig M. & N. Gruntkowsky (eds.) Landscape: Theory, methods and cases from interdisciplinary research. Springer Verlag: 159-198.


2017   Holocene prehistory in the Télidjène basin, Eastern Algeria: Capsian occupations at Kef Zoura D and Aïn Misteheyia, 2016, 255 pp, Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology. In: Azania Archaeological Research in Africa 52(2):1-3.

2014   Le Capsien de Hergla (Tunisie): culture, environnement et économie, edited by Simone Mulazzani. Frankfurt, Africa Magna Verlag, Reports in African Archaeology, 2013, 436 pp., ISBN 978-3-937248-36-3. In: Azania Archaeological Research in Africa 09/2014.

2013   Annett Dittrich (2011) Zur Neolithisierung des Mittleren Niltals und angrenzender Regionen. Kultureller Wandel vom Mesolithikum zum Neolithikum im Nord- und Zentralsudan. B.A.R. International Series 2281. Archaeopress, Oxford, 2011, ix+454 pp. ISBN 9781407308586. In: Journal of African Archaeology, Volume 11 (2), 2013.

2009   Samuel van Willigen (2006) Die Neolithisierung im nordwestlichen Mittelmeerraum. Iberia Archaeologica 7, Mainz 2006. In: Prähistorische Zeitschrift 83, Heft 2.


2004   Linstädter, J. (2004) Zum Frühneolithikum des westlichen Mittelmeerraumes. Die Keramik der Fundstelle Hassi Ouenzga. AVA-Forschungen Band 9, 188 p.


seit 2020   Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift „Journal of Global Archaeology“ (JoGA)

seit 2015   Mitherausgeber der Monographienreihe „Forschungen zur Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen“ (FAAK)

2005   Linstädter, J. (ed.) (2005) Wadi Bakht – Landschaftsarchäologie einer Siedlungskammer im Gilf Kebir (SW-Ägypten). Africa Praehistorica 18, 372 p.

